As an employee of our company, you will collaborate with each department
to create and deploy disruptive products. Come work at a growing company
that offers great benefits with opportunities to moving forward and learn
alongside accomplished leaders. We're seeking an experienced and outstanding
member of staff.
This position is both creative and rigorous by nature you need to think
outside the box. We expect the candidate to be proactive and have a "get it done"
spirit. To be successful, you will have solid solving problem skills.
- Drejtoni te gjithe ciklin e shitjeve
- Arritni objektivat e shitjeve mujore
- Kualifikoni nevojat e klientit
- Negocioni dhe kontraktoni
- Demoja e software tone
Duhet te kete
- Diplome Bachelor ose me e larte
- Pasioni per produktet software
- Anglisht e shkruar perfekte
- Shume kreativ dhe autonom
- Leje pune e vlefshme per Belgjike
Mire te kesh
- Eksperience ne shkrimin e artikujve online
- Gjuhe shtese
- Eksperienca me Google Adwords
- Aftesi te forta analitike
Cfare eshte e mrekullueshme ne pune?
- Ekip i shkelqyer me njerez te zgjuar, ne nje mjedis pune me kulture mendjehapur dhe shoqerore
- Jo me menaxhere te trashe, mjete pune te prapambetura dhe ore te ngurta pune
- Mos humb kohe ne proceset e ndermarrjes, por merni pergjegjesite reale dhe jeni konfident per te marre iniciativa
- Zgjeroni njohurite tuaja per industri te ndryshme biznesi
- Krijo permbajtje qe te ndihmoje perdoruesit ne perditshmeri
- Pergjegjesite dhe sfidat reale ne nje kompani me zhvillim te shpejte
Cfare ne ofrojme
Each employee has a chance to see the impact of his work.
You can make a real contribution to the success of the company.
Several activities are often organized all over the year, such as weekly
sports sessions, team building events, monthly drink, and much more
Nje pozicion me kohe te plote
Pakete terheqese pagesash.
12 dite / vite, duke perfshire
6 nga perzgjedhja juaj.
Aktivitet Sportiv
Luaj cdo sport me koleget,
fature eshte e mbuluar.
Hani & Pije
Fruit, coffee and
snacks provided.